Welcome to the TEPR blog
TEPR is an independent research consultancy and we are pleased to bring you our Blog section, which aims to provide interesting and topical articles on sustainable transport solutions aimed at delivering a low carbon future.
TEPR works with Local Authorities, EU Institutions, NGOs, National Governments, Industry and International clients as well as on Horizon 2020 projects. If you would like to talk to us about making transport more sustainable in the future, call TEPR today on +44 (0) 7521 063324
UncategorizedCYCLING AS A JOB CREATION MECHANISM The International Cycling Conference took place from 19th to 21st September in Mannheim in Germany. Ian Skinner of TEPR was one of the speakers and delivered his presentation entitled, ‘Cycling as a job creation mechanism’ on the middle day of the conference.
UncategorizedCLEAN, GREEN AND EASIER TO USE TEPR, an independent research consultancy working towards the implementation of sustainable, low carbon transport solutions in the UK and the EU is delighted and excited that our new and refreshed website is now live. It’s taken a lot of hard work and planning and if you’ve visited the website […]